Compatible with cartridge version 1.5

If you have installed our Salesforce Commerce Cloud - Wezen cartridge, you will have access in your Business Manager to a module that will allow you to send content from your Salesforce Commerce Cloud for translation to Wezen.

Currently supported content types include:

  • Products
  • Categories
  • Content Assets
  • Promotions
  • Library Folders
  • Content Slots

The UI can be reached by selecting the relevant site and then going to Merchant Tools > Wezen Connector.


How to export content for translation from Salesforce Commerce Cloud to Wezen?

You can access the export interface by clicking on Merchant Tools > Wezen Connector > Export


1. Select the content type. If content type is "Product" or "Category", then choose catalog(s) for searching the products and categories to be translated.


2. Select items from the search result. There are also several filtering possibilities to further optimize the translation content. In this part, other functionalities are:

  • User can track the translated content status by seeing the status badge colors. The statuses depend on the selected source language.
  • User can identify the outdated localization attribute list by hovering mouse on "Outdated Localization" label in "Localization Suggestion" column.

3. Select attributes to send for translation. In this section, only localizable attributes will be visible. There is also an option of selecting various attributes that need to be sent along for translation. In this section user can select some attributes by default on page load.

4. Select attributes to send as context. There is also an option of selecting various attributes that need to be sent along for translation. In this section, user can select some attributes by default on page load.


5. Select source language and target languages.


6. You can also provide translation note for translator. This field is optional.


7. The seventh part is optional. If the checkbox is checked, the information is sent to Wezen that the translation request doesn’t contain personal data.


8. Check the estimation of word count of content which are being sent for translation. Click on "Get Estimation" button, after selecting all fields. Then word count and expected delivery date will be visible for selected content.

9. Click ‘Preview Translation Request’ button, after selecting all values content type, items, attributes for translation, attributes to send as context, source language and target languages in Export page.


10. After verifying all the contents, click 'Send to Wezen' button in Translation Request page. 


11. Upon clicking ‘Send to Wezen' button, content will sent to Wezen for translation and success message will be visible in this page.