Following Rigel version release on January 2020, we have released a first patch to it based on issues and feedback reported by our users. Please find below its release notes.
Remark: some features are only available to specific user roles, you may not be able to view/use them all.
- New feature: added the Activity Feed section in projects to track the activity history on each project
- Fixed the “Translation Batch - Volume Translated By Timeframe” query of the Query Factory not always returning results
- Added new workflow: Translation → Review → Validation → Approval → Delivered
- Added new Views in Tasks Screen: Default, Recycle Bin and All Tasks
- Added new task action to open tasks from Tasks screen in a new tab
Translation Studio
- Fixed widgets layout not being preserved upon opening a new task
- Fixed latency issues when saving and validating segments caused by the term base widget
- Changed pasting from clipboard action to paste as plain text
- Changed CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER shortcut to send to Delivered status instead of Correction by default when task is in Validation
- Added colors for correlation and TM match percentages segment flags
- Added ability to expand images on click from the Details panel
- Added “Show Whitespaces” mode in the toolbar. Can also be triggered using CTRL+D shortcut.
- Fixed copy properties not being displayed in Details widget
- Fixed "&" character being exported as "&" in Excel copy export
- Fixed not being able to edit users’ own comments
- Added copy paste feature to allow copy-pasting contents from widgets
- Added display of characters limit of each fragment
- Added language code ru-UA support