A new update has been released based on issues and feedback reported by our users. 

Please find below the release notes.

Remark: some features are only available to specific user roles, you may not be able to view/use them all.


  • Added MT engine to automatically copy content of source segments to target during Preproc
  • Added Preproc status in the list of available statuses in Change Task(s) State modal
  • Fixed not being able to assign tasks in Correction & PostEdition in VDPD & VADPD workflows
  • Fixed not being able to assign blocked tasks
  • Fixed Validation Date From Timeframe query
  • Overall permissions improvements
  • Overall UI improvements

Translation Studio

  • Added ability to quickly change the letter case of selected text in target segments using SHIFT+F3
  • Fixed not being able to copy HTML tag from source segment into target using CTRL+LEFT CLICK
  • Fixed cursor not being set after the non-breaking space when using CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE shortcut
  • Fixed TM widget not showing the same results when searching for the same content twice
  • Fixed issue preventing from loading tasks successfully on older Google Chrome versions
  • Fixed TM match badges not automatically updated in front-end upon segment validation
  • Fixed QA checks not automatically updated on propagated segments
  • Fixed not being able to smoothly scroll till the last segment of tasks
  • Fixed terms not highlighted in segments after being searched in TB widget
  • Fixed issue where unwanted HTML tags were added when switching between WYSIWYG/HTML modes
  • Fixed issue where pasting content was adding unwanted white spaces in WYSIWYG mode
  • Fixed issue where cursor would disappear when erasing text between two HTML tags
  • Fixed formatting issues after saving segments when using specific paragraphs formatting styles
  • Removed automatic formatting of lists in HTML mode

Activity Feed

  • Fixed filtering on usernames not only showing events performed by searched usernames
  • Fixed filtering on urgency of tasks not working
  • Fixed changes made to segments during Preproc step not being showed


  • Added ability to pre-assign copies for each step of the workflow
  • Fixed TB highlight corrupting content in WYSIWYG mode when a term was detected within HTML tags


  • Fixed manual selection interface not displaying for non-workspace owner users


  • Fixed displayed dates on charts not matching the specified time interval
  • Fixed not being able to rename charts


  • Improved filters to avoid showing terms with no translation in selected target language in TB
  • Fixed translations without status not showing in TM
  • Fixed import of .tmx files not working in some cases


  • Added automatic redirection to last viewed page after being disconnected and logging back in
  • Improved resources creation process with Grouped Resource Creation form
  • Fixed not being able to filter users by enabled/disabled status for architects
  • Added ability to filter and select multiple items in drop-down lists
  • Added ability to disable a member from a workspace
  • Overall UI improvements