A new update has been released based on issues and feedbacks reported by our users. 

Please find below the release notes.

Note: some features are only available to specific user roles, you may not be able to view/use them all.

New features 

  • Translate/Studio  
    • When doing the analysis on several tasks, users can have access to the analysis grouped by pair languages in the export file

  • Codex
    • You can now translate InDesign files (IDML) by uploading them into Codex. The output will conserve as much as possible the original writing styles (font, colors...)
    • Wezen can now handle more complex Docx documents that contain a lot of styles enriching the text. Most of the styles are now handled and restituted in the translated file

UX Updates

  • Query Factory

Search is disabled until a query is selected

Fixed pagination display on some resolution

✨ Various layout and responsiveness improvements

✨ Width of columns in the Purchase Order interface is persistent over time

  • Studio

✨ Improved responsiveness for screens with zoom scaling

  • Translate

✨ Monitor : design update for the top action bar 

The assignee list in the assignation modal is now sorted alphabetically 

  • Write

✨ Global design update (layout, modal behaviour)


  • Codex
    • When uploading PPTX files through Codex, users used to have to manually launch them for translation. This process is now automated

  • Translate

    • We upgraded the number of languages codes we can now handle with DeepL

  • Analysis 

    • In the analysis interface, to be much more clearer, former "repetitions" are now called "correlations", and "anticipated" changed for "anticipated correlations" 

    • Users can now understand what is calculated in the analysis by hovering over each category 

  • Purchase Order

    • Users can now search tasks by translation date 

    • Removed the price filter that was unused to clarify the interface

    • Improved the search bar to allow users to search for batch of IDs by separating them with a comma

    • Users can now choose to hide or display columns in the Purchase Order to only see what is essential to them

    • Users can now group purchase orders by creation date to find a specific batch/task that has been created on a defined date

    • Users have new informations in the Purchase Order By Task : they now know the username of the user that has transited the task to the next status and the date of this transition

    • Users can now set different time zone in their purchase orders

    • You can now get, for every user, the list of tasks that the person has worked on 

    • Enhanced behavior of the purchase order when sending back tasks to an anterior status of the workflow

    • Enhancement of behaviour when a task is going several times through the same transition  

Bug fixes

  • Codex
    • When exchanging JSON files, numbers were reintegrated as strings instead of numebrs in the target file. This has been fixed 
    • XLF files, once translated, were retrieved by clients as XLIFF files. This issue has been fixed and now these files remain XLF

  • Studio
    • Fixed issue where <br> tags were not savable into the target segment
    • Fixed issue of Search & Replace in the studio wouldn't work properly when searching for content names
    • Fixed issue where filtering segments after search would give empty results
    • Fixed issue where measures (ex : 1m85) were not recognized as such by the QA checks

  • Translate
    • Fixed issue of assignation popup taking too long to load
    • Wezen used to send a notification when tasks were available in the post-edition status. This behaviour confused a lot of people. These notifications are now deactivated
    • Purchase Order : fixed issue where timezones in purchase order were not working properly
    • Fixed issue where clicking several times on the "Assign to me" button would assign too many tasks to the user 
    • Fixed issue in the task screen when ordering by ID wouldn't work

  • Write
    • The task search did not work when looking for multiple criterias at the same time. This has been fixed
    • Fixed issue where, in Write, the copy name wouldn't load