User guide
Adobe Experience Manager
- I - Send Content for Translation
- II – Translation Re-integration
- III – Update of existing translations
Create your first translation project
I - Send Content for Translation
Users will need to create a translation job inside the translation project each time content needs to be sent for translation. To do so:
1. Inside the translation project, click the “Add” button.
2. Select the tile named “Translation Job”.
3. In the newly created Translation Job, select the “Target” language.
4. Rename the translation job in order to keep a good organization of the translation requests
5. Add items to translate into the Translation Job.
6. After clicking Select, a pop up will propose two options for translation:
Create Language Copy: the selected items will be duplicated into the target language folders.
Overwrite Language Master: the selected items will be overridden with the translations
Items have been added to the Translation Job. Users can still add more items. Once done, go back to the project page.
7. Start the Translation Job.
AEM is then sending the content to be translated onto Wezen. It may take a while depending on the size of the Translation Job. Once done, refresh the page and notice the status of the Translation Job has changed to “Committed for Translation”.
8. Log into Wezen and look for the resources you have just sent for translation:
II – Translation Re-integration
AEM regularly checks the translation status of resources sent for translation. Once translation tasks are set to “Delivered” status in Wezen, AEM will fetch the translations and re-integrate them into the relevant paths.
If Automatically Approve Translations & Automatically Promote Translation Launches are checked, translations will directly be approved and visible on the actual resources (pages or assets).
If not, translations will need to be approved inside the Translation Job:
III – Update of existing translations
Once translations into a specific target language are done in the Language Masters node, they should be moved to the right node path (for example: if translation of /languagemaster/fr/about-us is completed, move the page about-us to france-website/fr/aboutus).
If translation should be updated, simply create a Translation Job that includes the resource in the source language from the Language Masters.