On Wezen, an account can be disabled in two ways. Those ways are presented in this article.

Disable the user account from the workspace

As a workspace manager, you can directly disable the account you wish to deactivate.

To do so, go to your workspace and click on the Members button. Then look for the username of the account you want to disable.

On the right side of the list, you will find some buttons allowing you to perform actions on the corresponding accounts. Here, if you want to remove the user from the workspace you are working on, just click this button:.

Request for the User Deactivation to the helpdesk

Upon creation of the User Deactivation Request, the following details are needed.

  1. Full name or email address of the user that needs to be deactivated.
  2. Wezen Platform
  3. Workspace name
  4. Project name

Please note that the requester will be notified after the deactivation completed.

Example of ticket creation: