Introduction about Wezen

Wezen is a Semantic Asset Management System. It is a platform that connects users such as linguistic producers (translators, reviewers), production managers, and customers in order to work on localization projects. With this platform:

  • Digital contents coming from a website or files are translated and reviewed by linguistic producers.
  • Production managers can have a complete overview of ongoing and past projects. 
  • Customers can submit requests for translations, validate translated content and monitor their localization projects.

It was developed to streamline the localization process and to handle any content type. Each project is set up with specific workflows which guarantee high standards quality level before delivery.

Quick start to use Wezen in the best conditions:

Wezen is a web-based tool only available by using internet.

Please to use only Google Chrome as browser to use Wezen. The platform is only compatible with this browser to insure a perfect effciency and performance in your work.

Please to verify that you have a good internet network for working and also a computer that can handle working online.

To connect to Wezen:

Use the link provided by our Wezen Helpdesk or by your contact into Datawords or Wezen Team.

Use the username and password provided only. You will be able to change those information once connected into your profile section.

You can save the link into your favorites in your browser for a quick access.

Issue to connect to the platform:

Please to verify your credentials. You can set up a new password if needed by clicking on "Forgot Password?"

Please to clean your cookies and caches on your browser that could disturbe your connection.

How to have access to the helpdesk:

The Wezen Helpdesk is our support center solution for support requests. You can consult on this platform many articles about how to use Wezen, find more information about the platform and its tools, report a bug, account management and also ask your questions.

To connect to the support platform you must use this link  Then to create a ticket you must create an account, and click here.

You can  also use the "Help" button on the Wezen interface to connect.

Report a bug on Wezen

You have two ways to report a bug on Wezen.

The first one, you can contact the Wezen Helpdesk ( and create a ticket, where you can discribe your issue and upload screenshots to help our support agent for a fast understanding and quick resolution of your request.

The second possibility is directly on the platform you have to click on the topbar on the "Report" button. It will automatically take a screenshot of your issue and a pop up window will appear to add a comment to describe your issue. And then this issue will be sent to our support team.

Step 1: To go on the "Report" Button  


Step 2: Describe your issue

Consult articles on the helpdesk to find the answer at your question:

To access to our library of articles:

You must connect on this link or here and create an account.

Then, you can have access to many articles about how to use Wezen, know more about the tools, learn the different features, know more about the permissions allowed according your role on the platform and many other topics.

If you don't find the answer to your question, please create a ticket on the Helpdesk and ask your question, our support agent will he happy to help and this could help us to create new articles.

In case of slowdown on the platform:

Sometimes, you might encounter some slowdown issues on the platform. The loading time is unually slow when you perform an action on the platform. Please to:

Please to:

  • Check your internet connection
  • Verify you don't have any other programm on your computer that can slowdown your work on the platform
  • Refresh your page if it takes too much time. Please to save your work before and we also advise to regurlarly save it.
  • Open a new tab in your browser, open again Wezen and check if the action is done or keep doing another action when the first one is finishing.
  • t Report the issue with a ticket on our Helpdesk if it reamins.