As mentioned in the What is a workspace? article, you can find all your members in the Members Management Screen.

This screen is only accessible for Workspace Owners. They can manage members in their workspaces.


How to view the members of a workspace

To access it:

  1. Go to the workspace home page.
  2. On the top-right corner, click the Members button (this button is also accessible in the navigation sidebar).

How to invite a user as a member of a workspace

You can only add to your workspace users who already have an account on Wezen.

To invite a user as a member of your workspace:

  1. Go to the workspace's Members Management Screen.
  2. Click on the Add Member button in the top right corner.
  3. Users you want to invite as members of your workspace must access an invitation link. You can provide it to them by sending it to them directly via email from Wezen:
  4. Optional: if the user should have access to different language pairs than the default configuration for its account on the instance, you can provide them here (note that this overrides all the already granted language pairs for this user):
  5. Optional: if the user should be Workspace Owner, please check the "Workspace Owner" option. You can also grand this member some roles on specific groups:
  6. Once the user has clicked the link, he or she will become a member of your workspace.

How to edit workspace members permissions and properties

To grant or remove an existing workspace member permissions to manage the workspace:

  1. Go to the workspace's Members Management Screen.
  2. On the right side of the member's row click on:
    •  to promote the user to workspace owner
    •  to demote the user

To remove a member from the workspace:

  1. Go to the workspace's Members Management Screen.
  2. On the right side of the member's row click on Remove member. This action cannot be undone unless by resending an email to the user.

How to edit the language pairs of the member

  1. Go to the workspace's Members Management Screen.
  2. On the right side of the member's row click on Edit languages. Then selected the right source and target languages:

How to manage members' rights to resources

Access permissions are managed via workspace groups. You can find more in the following article: How to manage groups of a workspace