Correlation Mechanism can be defined as a system that comprises automated processes that are running in the background during translation tasks "Analysis" phase to help decrease translation times as translations of segments which exactly match previous segments in the project can be anticipated and filled automatically.
There are 3 Correlation scopes available in Wezen, the configuration is set up at the creation of the project:
- "Project": Translation tasks in "Analysis" phase will be compared to all the translation tasks in the project.
- "Task": Only segments within the same translation task can be re-used to anticipate segments.
- "Resubmission" Translation tasks in "Analysis" phase will be compared to the translation tasks sharing the same Name/Key/External Id.
To know on which correlation scopes you are working on, you can contact your Project Manager.
Understand the mechanism and identify which tasks to translate in priority
In the Task interface, you can distinguish two types of tasks, in black the unlocked tasks and in red the blocked tasks, like in the screenshot below.
The mechanism suggests to always start working on the black tasks unlocked. The work done inside those tasks will propagate into the red tasks blocked and correlated as they contain identical content.
This mechanism allows you to save time in your translation process if you start working on the mother task/segment and those translations will be propagated in the following tasks of your project.
To identify the tasks you must work in priority, there are several indicators you can use:
- "Created": Order the task from the oldest to the newest.
This filter will list the tasks which are the oldest where you need to work first. Oldest tasks mostly contain the mother segments where the work is needed to get the propagation in the blocked tasks considerated as daughter tasks.
Click on it to order the task in the right order.
- "Correlation flag": This filter allows you to identify if the tasks are blocked with a
If the task has a black color, it is unlocked and doesn't have this logo, you can start working on it.
If the task has this logo, you must find the mother task unlocked that will later unlock the red task.
- "Lock filter" If you click on the logo
of a blocked task in red color. You access to an automatic filter that shows you which tasks are correlated to the task blocked you eventually want to translate/validate.
It shows you the unlocked tasks you must prioritize with their IDs.
You can find how to manage the filters here
You can find how to manage the columns here
Understand the Correlation Mechanism inside the task
When you open a task, you arrive in the Translation Studio, there are several indicators to identify and manage the correlated segments.
Inside the task, there are segments with different statuses and indicators.
In the example below, we can see that segments #1, #2, #3 are open for translation because they have statuses "waiting" with a yellow dot They are not correlated but they are surely mother segments you need to translate in priority to get the propagation of content in daughter segments with the Correlation mechanism.
However, the segment #4 is a correlated segment and has 2 different indicators:
- There is a logo with a "C" meaning for "Correlation"
- It has a status "outofscope" with a black dot
--> Those indicators show you a correlated segment, the mother segment must be translated before to get this correlated segment filled automatically by the platform. You shouldn't edit this correlated segment (if already filled or empty) because the work is needed to be done in another segment, a mother segment, inside this task or inside another task.
In the example below, you will see that working chronologically will help you to save time. If I work on the segment #3 which is a mother segment and validate my translation. The content I just added in this segment will be automatically propagated in the correlated segment #4 which is a daughter segment that can be identified with the indicators.
The platform has identify that the work done in the mother segment can be propagated in the correlated segments because they are identical.
If you edit a correlated segment, you break the correlation mechanism. What you will edit inside the segment won't be propagated into the other identical segments of the tasks. Because a correlated segment with a "C" logo and a black dot is considerated as a daughter segment. A daughter segment won't propagate into the mother segments if modified.
To conclude, if you edit a correlated segment, you stop its propagation, you will need to copy paste what you have done inside this segment and manually duplicate this modification inside the task(s). So it is very important to start working on the segments not correlated with statuses in or
because they are surely mother segments, the mechanism will automatically propagate your work into the correlated segments in
How to unlocked the tasks naturally
As explained below, if you work chronologically the tasks inside Wezen, you must start working on the tasks unlocked in black color. The work done inside those tasks will be automatically propagated into the correlated tasks because they share identical content.
You will see in the video below that when I finish my work in the task number 1, When I push the task to the next status, the system will synchronize the data and will unlock the task number 2.
The task will turn to locked to unlocked and will turn from a red color to a black color. Which will allow you to keep working on the tasks.
If after pushing the task to the next status, you still see the tasks locked and red. This could happen for two reasons:
- The system needs you help to refresh the data, and you just need to click on the refresh button
- The task you just pushed to the next status is maybe not the mother task allowing you to unlock the targeted task. Use the different filters described above to identify the good mother segment to unlock your task.
Other key features
Here is a list of additional information and key features that could help you to manage your work with the correlation mechanism, work more efficiently and save time.
When opening a blocked task
If you open a blocked task, the platform is warning you that you won't be able to push the task to the next status until the task is unlocked from other mother tasks into the project.
In the following video, you can see I open a red task blocked, a warning message asks me to "Go back" to the project and find another task to open or you can stay inside the task with "I understand"
If you stay inside a block task, you may edit daughter segments by mistake and break correlations between the tasks.
Also, you won't be able to push the task to the next status. So, the best option is to not open the red tasks blocked and find another unlocked task to work on.
Hide the "Outofscope" segments
If you want to avoid to make mistakes and edit "outofscope" segments. You can hide them when you are translating/validating your tasks.
This will allow you to focus only on the mother segments, later, you can unhide the "outofscope" segment" to complete your work on the task.
Find the mother segment from an "outofscope" and correlated segment
A new tool is available to help you to have more consistency in your translation/validation. This will help you to find the mother segment and allow you to edit it and get the propagation into the daughter segment of your tasks.
This tool will help to identify where are the mother segments and most of all, not to edit and break the correlations with the daughter segments that could lead to additional work and lack of consistency.
When you identify a correlated segment with a logo ©️ and with an "outofscope" status with a black dot You can click on the the logo ©️ and this will redirect you to the mother segment within the task or open new a new tab with the mother task and mother segment to edit.
If the mother segment is in your task. When you click on the logo, the platform will redirect you to the right segment to edit
If the mother segment is in another task. When you click on the logo, the platform will open a new tab and open a task where the mother segment has been translated for the first time.
You may need authorization from your Project Manager to have the right to edit this mother segment if this task is in another status (Review, Validation, Delivered or PostEdition). Because this task may have moved forward on the workflow and your roles don't allow you to edit the task spontaneously.
In the following video, I apply the use case as a validator.
- The mother segment is located into another task already in "Delivered" status when I click on the correlation logo
- The platform opens the mother task in another tab, and the task is in "Delivered" status
- I must change the status of the task from "Delivered" to "PostEdition" and assign it to myself.
- I apply the modification, validate it and push the task back to "Delivered"
- After this action, you must refresh the page of your browser with the ongoing task you working on to get the data synchronized and get the propagation from the mother task to the daughter task.
(This mechanism works for all statuses, between Translation to Delivered, it depends your roles on the platform)