Dear Wezen users,

After several months of hard work, we are now releasing the latest version of Wezen: Rigel! With Rigel, we've focused on overhauling the major interfaces to make them more modern and usable thanks to all your feedback: Translate, Memory and Termbase are now cooler than ever!

▶️ Check out this short video to view the new Translate app! ▶️

New Tasks Screen

Current Tasks, My Tasks and Archives have been merged into a single screen named Tasks! Navigating through the translation tasks of your projects should be much easier thanks to our new filtering system!
You can now look for tasks which contain specific words in their source content / target content for instance. See more here.

New Translation Studio

The Translation Studio has been revamped to provide you more powerful tools as well as improve performances during your translation process. See more here.

...and many other improvements!

In order to make sure you experience the smoothest transition to that new version as possible, we have created a shortlist of useful articles about Rigel on our Wezen Helpdesk Knowledge BaseYou can use the search bar on the Wezen Helpdesk to easily find articles relevant to your problem or question:

Moreover, our e-Learning courses about Wezen have been updated on academy.datawords.comyou’ re welcome to redo them if you think that will help you. If you can't find them, feel free to request access to them on the Wezen Helpdesk.

We hope this new version will improve your experience creating, translating and managing your customer's content or yours! We'd love to hear your feedback so that we can keep on improving Wezen. 
If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to create a support ticket on the Wezen Helpdesk, our agents will be more than happy to assist you!

Best regards,

Wezen Team